Ash Fusion Tester - EATC16

Ash Fusion Determinator - EATC16 Series


The Ash Fusion Determinator is designed to determine the fusibility temperatures of coal ash, coke ash, or biomass ash samples. The EATC16 Series instruments, including the EATC16 manual, EATC16, and EATC16plus, comply with various standards such as ISO, ASTM, CEN/TS, DIN, and CEN/TR. These instruments automatically determine four critical temperatures: Initial Deformation Temperature (DT), Softening Temperature (ST), Hemispherical Temperature (HT), and Fluid Temperature (FT). By observing and comparing the sample deformations with the relevant specification guidelines, specific deformation points can be accurately identified.

Ash Fusion Tester - EATC16
  • A high-resolution camera with a manually adjustable lens mounted on a suitable arm is used to view the samples being tested. This allows for easy movement away from the furnace for work tube access.
  • The video image is sent to a high-end computer system where it will be recorded and displayed in a specially created logging program
  • Grid overlay feature for accurate comparison of sample height and width
  • Accepts specimen shapes as per standards viz. cylinder, pyramid, upright pyramid & truncated pyramid
  • Bench-mounted Ash Fusion Determinator.
  • Maximum Furnace Temperature: 1600°C.
  • Types of samples: Coal Ash, Coke Ash, Biomass Ash, Refuse-Derived (RDF) Ash, and Solid Biofuel Ash.
  • Analysis parameters: Fusion points (DT, ST, HT, and FT) of ash samples.
  • Type of analysis:

    Manual in EATC16 Manual Model.
    Automatic in EATC16 & EATC16plus.

  • Precisely controlled high-temperature horizontal resistance furnace.
  • Furnace is capable of operating in both oxidising and reducing atmospheres.
  • Programmable temperature ramp rates.
  • Up to 6 samples can be analysed simultaneously for each batch.
  • Capture images of the samples at every 1°C increase temperature in EATC16 & EATC16plus.
  • Grid feature for accurate comparison of sample height and width in EATC16 & EATC16plus.
  • Quick cooling facilitated by low thermal mass insulation allows for the completion of multiple tests within a day.
  • Automatic gas switching between oxidizing and reducing gases based on selected test conditions (Available in EATC16plus).